Belt and Clip Side Holster
- Video
- LCR with 1.87" barrel
- LCRx with 1.88" barrel
- LCRx with 3" barrel
- Bearcat with 4.2" barrel (6 shot)
- Bisley Hunter with 7.5" barrel (6 shot)
- Blackhawk with 4.62" barrel (6 shot)
- Blackhawk with 5.5" barrel (6 shot)
- Blackhawk with 7.5" barrel (6 shot)
- Blackhawk Hunter with 7.5" barrel (6 shot)
- GP100 with 3" barrel (6 shot)
- GP100 with 6" barrel (6 shot)
- Redhawk with 7.5" barrel (6 shot)
- SP101 with 2.25" barrel (5 shot)
- SP101 with 3" barrel
- SP101 with 4.2" barrel
- Single Seven with 4.62" barrel (7 shot)
- Single Seven with 5.5" barrel (7 shot)
- Single Seven with 7.5" barrel (7 shot)
- Single Six with 4.62" barrel (6 shot)
- Single Six with 5.5" barrel (6 shot)
- Single Six with 7.5" barrel (6 shot)
- Single Ten with 4.62" barrel
- Single Ten with 5.5" barrel
- Super Blackhawk with 5.5" barrel (6 shot)
- Super Blackhawk with 7.5" barrel (6 shot)
- Super Redhawk with 6.5" barrel (6 shot)
- Super Redhawk with 7.5" barrel (6 shot)
- Vaquero with 4.62" barrel (6 shot)
- Vaquero with 5.5" barrel (6 shot)