Our website is currently under construction. Because of this many of the pages will be unavailable or unfinished. Please check back soon to see the completed web site. We appreciate your patients and business. We are also pleased to announce that soon Ready Holster will be expanding its selection of goods to include lasers and other tactical gear. We are very excited about this new expansion, and hope...
Hello and welcome to the new web site for Ready Holster & Tactical Gear. We are excited about our new expansion onto the Internet. It has taken a lot of work to get to here and we hope that you will be able to enjoy and appreciate all the work that our team has gone through to bring this site to the public. Let...
We've met a lot of gun owners over the years and we've found two things:
Gun owners are the most honest people we've ever met.....and
They LOVE to talk about guns
Well, we love to talk about guns too! In this blog, that's what we do. Guns, holsters, politics, everything gun-related is fair game. Thanks for stopping by!